Introduction and history

The company BIOTEH d.o.o. is the leading Slovenian manufacturer of products for protection of dwelling and office spaces and farm buildings from various kinds of harmful insects and rodents. It also manufactures products for the care and protection of plants which are suitable for organic and integrated cultivation.

Our history
The beginnings of the company reach back into the year 1988 when the company dealt mainly with research. In 1990, intensive development began and later also the production of natural insecticides based on pyrethrin (natural pyrethrum). One of the first products of this kind still sells very successfully today under the name BIOTIP Houseplant insecticide. Later, this development expanded to other products for pest elimination.

In 1993, the company became the exlusive Slovenian distributor of fly control products intended for cattle breeding, which are produced by the Swiss multinational company Ciba-Geigy (now Novartis). With fly control products Bioteh holds the leading position on the Slovenian market in this market niche.

2001 was also an important milestone, as the entire range of products for protection from insects in households marketed under the brand name FORTH was renewed.

Today, Bioteh is the leading company in Slovenia in the field of production of its own and foreign commercial and brand names for protection from pests in households (moths, ants, flies, etc.). Development and production are based on people and environmentally friendly products.